The power of the stage

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Many corporate presenters are just happy not to make an idiot of themselves. This is level one presenting. Level two is to be engaging ie don't send the audience to sleep. Level three is taking the audience on a journey. Level three is where the power sits.

I have done a reasonable amount of presenting, even been paid to present. Moving from level one to two was relatively quick. Moving to level three took an age. But once you are there you realise just how powerful your position is as a presenter. You have the power to influence.

You will all know the level three presenters: At a conference they are normally the ones getting paid. They are the presenters that take control. You, as an audience member just go on the journey, see what they want you to see, feel the emotion they want you to feel. You are a very willing participant because the experience is so positve. In that environment most people like to be lead on a journey.

As an organiser you have the oportunity to think about what you can do with that power. Presentations that just impart information are level two, level three will actually get the audience to do something. How can that power be used to achieve your objectives?

Here's the simplest example of the power of the stage: Driving networking

When the presenter or MC announces a break get them to tell everyone they have to speak with three new people: You will be amazed at how this simple act will change behaviour and significantly increase networking. Powerful stuff.

Other considerations

Allocate budget to presenter content reviews and rehearsals before the event. You would not put on a theatre show without rehearsing, it should be the same for events if you want to guarantee the outcome.