Tech rehearsal: The difference between good and great

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What do we mean by tech rehearsal?

This is the pre 'show' run-through. You have set up the room, everything is ready: Now you do a tech rehearsal. This is when you go through every element of the day: audience walk in, how you will kick off, each presentation, what you do at the breaks, and how you will close. 

1. Ironing Out the Technicalities

Tech Rehearsals are your best defense against technical mishaps. This is the time to test audio-visual equipment, lighting, and any other technical aspects of your event. It's better to troubleshoot issues before the guests arrive rather than scrambling to fix problems in real-time.

2. Timing is Everything

A Tech rehearsal allows you to run through the schedule and ensure that each segment of your event is timed perfectly. This practice helps maintain a smooth flow, keep the event on track, and respect your attendees' time.

3. Boosting Speaker Confidence

For speakers or presenters, tech rehearsals are invaluable. They provide an opportunity to get comfortable with the stage and how they enter and exit, the equipment, and the overall setting. They can click through their content to see how it appears on screen. It's amazing the difference this simple act makes to their performance.

4. Team Coordination

Events involve multiple players – from audio-visual teams to caterers. Tech Rehearsals allow everyone to understand their roles and how they fit into the larger picture. This coordination is key to avoiding confusion during the actual event.

5. Enhancing the Audience Experience

The audience senses a well-produced event from the instant they enter the room. The way the event is delivered will leave a lasting memory and influence their opinion on the subject matter. Tech Rehearsals are your insurance that you will create the right impression.

Running your Tech Rehearsal

- Schedule the time

Make sure you allow enough time in the setup for a tech rehearsal. The time required is very event dependent but as a rule of thumb allow 60 to 90 minutes AFTER everything has been set up. 

- Include Key Participants

Ensure that all crucial members of the event are part of the tech rehearsal. This includes speakers, technical staff, and even volunteers.

- Run Through the Entire day

Don’t just focus on parts of the day; go through everything from start to finish. This practice helps identify any segment that might need more attention.

- Create a Tech Rehearsal Schedule

Plan your tech rehearsal just as you would the actual event. This schedule keeps everyone on track and respects everyone's time.

- Have a stage manager

A tech rehearsal needs to be well managed to make everyone feel confident. Ideally have someone in the role of stage manager to give direction to the speakers or performers, and a senior AV op or show caller at the ops desk. If you want the tech rehearsal to be really smooth, make sure you have headset comms so the stage manager and show caller can speak to each other without yelling!

Closing Thoughts

By investing time in a tech rehearsal you’re setting up your event for success, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone involved, and ultimately enhancing the impact of your event.

To all aspiring event planners and assistants, embrace the tech rehearsal process. It's your secret weapon for creating memorable, impactful, and flawless events!
