Show time

What would a film be like without a sound track? Would the scary bit work without the haunting music? Would your tears of happiness flow as much without the uplifting romantic backing track. The answer,  of course, is no. More subtly, lighting has the same effect on our mood. Both tools we have at our disposal at nearly every business event we hold, but do we use them to good effect?

As business event planners our first concern is normally operations, logistics. I would be curious to know how many of my fellow professions actually get involved in the 'show'. From experience, not many. Yet audience engagement is a hot topic and a bit of a holy grail. I feel we sometimes look for the new and ignore the tried and tested. As an event professional it is also one of the easiest ways we can add real value.

Don't let the AV company decide: Collaborate

I spoke to a number of AV companies while putting this blog together and they all said the same. The 'show' is often left to them with no discussion. They don't want it to be this way, it just is. They want to collaborate. You already have the equipment booked, so there is no extra cost, you just need to find the time. Collaborate. They will love you for it. Decide on the BGM on arrival, pick a mood track to play just before show, give presenters walk up stings, Use voice overs, change the lighting to change the mood [this can be as simple as lights up, lights down] Let your creative side shine.

Let us know if you are interested in more blogs on 'the show' or if you have any great examples of showcraft.

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