The Joi Blog

I can hear music... sweet, sweet music

Written by Rob Vass | Jul 12, 2024 12:07:40 PM

Music can make an event, it must be the most cost effective tools for creating a mood. All you need is to set aside the time to curate your soundtrack and you can turn an also ran event into a life long memory. 


You need to check music licencing for your jurisdiction but as a rule of thumb if it a private event and you are not syncronising the music to recorded material, just playing over the sound system, then you can play whatever you want without licencing issues.

Theme tracks make memories

Pick a track as your theme and play it loud and proud at the start of the event and when the audience come back from breaks. It will give your event a strong identity and act as a memory trigger. Plus if you get your music selection right it can really lift the mood.

Walk up stings

Have your presenters take the stage with a sound track or walk up sting [just like a chat show] It will make the presenters feel fantastic as well as boost the energy of the audience. Pro tip - Make sure the presenters don't leap on the stage too quickly - you need a 20 second or so walk up otherwise it won't have the desired impact.

Underplays [maybe not the term everyone uses]

Not used often as they take a little more coordination and rehearsal but you can play music at a lower volumn 'under' annoucenments like awards to add drama or excitement.

Then add lighting and vision

Corordinate your audio with lighting and vision and now you are really starting to create a 'show' worth watching. We rarely think of business events as shows but, in my opinion, we should. We invariably have the ingredience ie a bit of lighting, a sound system and a screen but rarely, in my experience, are they used to maximum effect to engage the audience. 

I would love to hear your thoughts?
Do you put the 'show' into your events or is it just too hard?