Don't do it to yourself

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Event planners are the most 'can-do' people on the planet. We are never daunted by a challlenge and we are not scared of long hours. Anything to get the event across the line. We work hard, but sometimes we have to ask ourselves, do we work SMART?

Here's a story that is repeated a thousand times over

We were asked to support a client. They wanted assistance in finalising the program and creating the event app for a conference 3 weeks from the show. We get sent a load of spreadsheets from which we have to work out what is going on. We build out the program and create the app. Then the changes start to happen. Emails with more docs attached, links to share directories etc. The updates take seconds, but working out what needs to be updated takes hours. Questions go back and forth. All taking time away from already busy people.

There has to be a better way

And there is: There are several purpose-built platforms like LineUp Ninja and Sched as well as Joi that can streamline the planning process. If the client was using Joi they could have managed all updates themselves in a fraction of the time it takes them to write the emails requesting changes.

It's time to do something different

I know there is never a time when we are not busy. In the throws of an event, we just don't have the capacity to look at a new way, and when it's over we just move on to the next. But please, find the time to look at platforms like Joi because your life as an event planner will be SO much better for it. We, like any other platform, will support you through the process of transition. It's an investment in time that you will get back 100 fold.